File Expert – File Manager V8 With Material Design Android App Review

file expert

file expert

File Manager is an essential app to install for an Android device. With it you can access files, folders, docs, videos, APKs within no time. You can organize all sort of files (photos, videos, APKs, docs) effortlessly. Find an appropriate app and avoid wasting your time for this task.

You’ll notice loads of apps in PlayStore. But it must be tedious and time-consuming to pick an app for sure. That’s why I’m presenting you with a powerful app for file management.

File Expert V8 with material design is an excellent app for managing files from both device and Clouds. It developed by Gmobile Company. It has got 4.4 ratings in PlayStore and updated recently with promising features. It is compatible with Android OS 4.1 and later versions. Total no. of downloads are 5,000,000 – 10,000,000 (as per the stats). You should have a look on the reviews by the users as well before installing in your device.

So, is it really outstanding for managing files from phone and on the go? Let’s find out. Shall we?

Material Design

material design

File Interface designed according to the Google’s latest visual language. New design improved grid-based layouts, responsive animations and transition and depth effects (example: lighting and shadows) which makes it more impressive and user-friendly as well.

Light & Dark Themes


You have built-in themes to adjust brightness for the day and night to deal with surroundings.

Multiple Tabs

multy tabs

You can work with multiple tabs for opening and operating files simultaneously at ease.

Enhanced file operation

Simple tasks (like loading, scrolling and operating) could be annoying if it takes too much to complete. Isn’t it? But File Expert loads fast to do such tasks. You can copy a 1GB video within 70 seconds (max speed 14 MB/s).

Slide-Out Navigation Menu

slidingYou can manage all of your files, folders, tools with one swipe. That’s right. You can use the floating menu to make a new file, folder and cloud at once.

File Operation

File Expert sustains all primary function such as copy, cut, paste, delete, create, rename, share, compress, decompress, shortcut, property, batch operations etc.

Access local & Cloud files


You can access flash memory, internal storage and external SD Card on your smartphone. Also, you can reach out for your necessary files from popular cloud storage such as Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, BOX etc. Isn’t it fantastic? You may store your data into cloud for unlimited space instead of internal memory or SD card.

Plus, it’s good to take a back up of your important files. You may lose valuable information due to technical problems. But if you have a back up then you can get it back whenever you need. It’s pretty handy/ important for a File Manager.


  • Cloud support service box.
  • Compress into 7Z and decompress 7Z and RAR formats
  • Batch Uninstall
  • Compress encoding method selection
  • File loading speed acceleration
  • Access files as third party
  • Set thumbnail in searching results
  • Fix on external SD card file sharing on Android 6.0
  • Auto-backup fix (during set up)

Final Words

File Expert – File Manager is an exceptional app to manage file anytime, anywhere without any trouble. It’s extremely fast thus it’s quite east to operate as well. You’ve see all of its features closely. So, what do you think about it? Is it good enough to replace your current app? I’ll suggest you try it out at least once even if you prefer a different app. You may find it better than your previous app. So, are you ready to find out the best File Manager app?

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